What needs doing?

Some of our members have asked how they can help administer WF LETS; here’s a summary of the main things we do (as at Dec 2014).

  • Chair: Inspire, empower, facilitate, produce annual report for AGM. 1-2 hours per month
  • Sterling Treasurer: Bank cash & cheques, maintain cashbook of income & expenditure, write cheques, produce annual report for AGM. 1-2 hours per month.
  • Beams Treasurer: Monitor trading activity, annual beams debit, conduct beams transactions on behalf of IT challenged members, pay out beams to committee. 1 hour per month
  • Secretary: Organise regular committee meetings, note & chase actions. 2 hours per month.
  • New members: Adding new members to the trading system. Skills basic IT, attention to detail. 20 mins per member, typically 3 members per month.
  • Emails: Checking & responding to emails to WF LETS from members weekly. Skills basic IT, interpersonal communications. 30 mins per week
  • Event planning & organisation: Brainstorming, planning & supporting regular events. Skills: organisational, people. 3-4 hours per month
  • Technical support: Trading system admin / technical support. 2 hours per month
  • Event publicity design: Formulate event message, flyer design, outreach. Skills: copywriting, visual design. 3-4 hours per month
  • Communications: Monthly email communications to members: Lets Loop, wants, offers. Events to listings sites (e.g. LBWF, Elist, Stella’s newsletter). 1-2 hours per month.
  • Social media updates: Posting events, LETS loop, etc to Facebook & twitter, engagement in conversations. 1-2 hours per month
  • Website updates: Posting events, LETS loop, etc. 1-2 hours per month
  • Enrolment: Attending 90 minute enrolment meetings at Hornbeam once per month. Explain LETS, sign up new members, drink coffee, have lovely conversations. 2 hours per month

One response to “What needs doing?

  1. Hi,
    We are a group of people in Germany, who wrote a web-based software for LETSystems (www.obelio.com) and who operate a supra-regional platform for traveling/service exchange based on LETS (www.acrosslets.org).

    We try to come in contact with you, because we want to cooperate with other systems for mutually exchanging supra-regional LETS advertisements. Offering services on this platform does not predetermine the method of payment (this could be your local currency or some other clearing currency). It is the ad author’s choice to specify. We are not aware, that any other platform in Europe would allow you to exchange anonymised (but ID-tagged) LETS ads.

    In other words: Are you and your members interested in traveling through Europe and paying your accomodations in your LETS currency? Would you like to offer such accommodations to travelers?

    We are looking forward to your reply!

    Dorina and Lutz
    Lutz.jaitner@t-online.de and dorina.schlupper@t-online.de

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